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Developing a Novel Multi-hop Transport Layer for 5G

Bildet kan inneholde: gjøre, skråningen, parallell, rektangel, slutt.

A food chain example and its analytical model showing how the number of animals in each species changes

Technological advancements have provided wireless links with very high capacity for 5G mobile networks and WiFi 6, which will be widely deployed by 2025; however, the capacity heavily fluctuates, violating the assumption at the transport layer that the capacity is (almost) fixed.

In this project, we will develop a general and efficient, yet deployable proxy-based solution to this problem through a novel design empowered with a rich theory, allowing a significantly improved experience in using new technologies, especially mobile cellular services.

We employ the well-known theory of food-chain models in biology, where a bottleneck link can be modelled as prey, while flows are predators. We extend this model to a chain of predator→prey/predator→. . . →prey to form a multi-hop congestion controller, called LGCC. Through implementation and experimental evaluation with real-life 5G traces we aim to show the effectiveness of LGCC, compared with the state-of-the-art such as ABC. 

Emneord: Linux, Congestion Control, 5G, Transport layer, Optimization
Publisert 18. okt. 2021 15:03 - Sist endret 6. des. 2022 10:40


Omfang (studiepoeng)