Let's Abandon Exams: How to Ensure Student Learning and Measurement of Learning?:

Have you ever contemplated the real value of traditional exams in capturing the essence of a student's learning journey? I'm delving into the thought-provoking idea of discarding exams in favor of more holistic, meaningful assessment methods. If you share a passion for transforming educational systems to be more empathetic, comprehensive, and reflective of genuine learning, I urge you to collaborate with me. Let's co-create a Master's thesis that challenges the status quo and pioneers a new era of student evaluation. Reach out, and together, let's explore and champion an educational future that's not just about scoring marks, but truly about understanding, applying, and growing!

In-Depth Exploration:

Examinations have long been the cornerstone of educational systems worldwide, serving as a barometer for student comprehension, performance, and readiness for subsequent levels of education or the professional world. However, as pedagogical philosophies evolve, there's a growing consensus that traditional exams might not always provide an accurate or holistic picture of a student's true abilities or understanding.

Consider a world without exams. How do we ensure that students are genuinely learning, internalizing concepts, and applying them in real-world contexts? Alternatives might include project-based assessments, continuous assessment methods, portfolios, or even peer evaluations. Each alternative offers its own set of benefits and challenges. For instance, project-based assessments can gauge both theoretical understanding and practical application, but designing equitable and consistent projects across diverse student populations can be challenging.

Beyond the mere measurement of learning, it's essential to consider the psychological impact of removing exams. Could it lead to more engaged, stress-free learners, or would it result in a lack of motivation without the structure exams provide?

Redefining assessment methods requires a deep understanding of educational principles, student psychology, and the logistical aspects of implementing novel evaluation methodologies.

A Master's thesis in learning technology can be done individually or in collaboration with other master's students. Here, there are vast opportunities to delve deep into topics that you are passionate about.

Please get in touch with Omid Mirmotahari, omidmi@uio.no, and we'll figure it out together.

Publisert 4. okt. 2023 22:13 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 22:13


Omfang (studiepoeng)