Feedback Mechanisms in E-learning Platforms

Have you ever reflected on the power of feedback in shaping our learning experiences? I'm venturing into the intricate world of feedback mechanisms, aiming to redefine how learners receive, interpret, and act on feedback. If you're passionate about creating more interactive, responsive, and effective (online) learning environments, I invite you to collaborate with me. Let's work together on a Master's thesis that stands at the intersection of technology, pedagogy, and the profound impact of constructive feedback. Reach out, and let's champion a future where we don't just educate, but also nurture, guide, and inspire through nuanced feedback!

In-Depth Exploration:

Feedback is the cornerstone of effective learning. In traditional classrooms, feedback often comes in the form of teacher remarks, peer discussions, and self-reflections. E-learning platforms, however, offer a unique challenge and opportunity: how to provide timely, relevant, and constructive feedback in a digital space where direct human interaction might be limited.

Envision an platform where students not only receive grades but also get dynamic feedback on their problem-solving techniques, essay structures, or even presentation skills. This feedback isn't just binary (right or wrong) but is nuanced, offering insights into areas of improvement, suggestions for further reading, or even recommendations for peer-reviewed work. Advanced platforms might employ AI to analyze student submissions, comparing them to a vast array of benchmarks to provide detailed feedback.

Furthermore, feedback isn't just about the learner; educators can also benefit. Feedback mechanisms can offer insights into course effectiveness, content relevance, and teaching methodologies, thereby allowing for continual refinement.

Designing effective feedback mechanisms requires a deep understanding of pedagogical principles, technological capabilities, and the psychological impact of feedback on learners.

A Master's thesis in learning technology can be done individually or in collaboration with other master's students. Here, there are vast opportunities to delve deep into topics that you are passionate about.

Please get in touch with Omid Mirmotahari,, and we'll figure it out together.

A possible proposal for a thesis could be (not limited to): 

"Design an automated feedback system using natural language processing (NLP) to provide timely, constructive feedback on assignments or tests."

Publisert 4. okt. 2023 22:05 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 22:05


Omfang (studiepoeng)