Incorporating Gamification to Enhance Engagement in Digital Learning Platforms

Do you remember the joy of playing games as a child? The exhilaration of conquering a challenge, the anticipation of the next level, and the sense of accomplishment? What if we could harness that power and weave it into the fabric of learning? I am delving into the transformative potential of gamification in digital education, and I'm seeking collaborators who share this vision. If you're driven by the idea of revolutionizing the e-learning space, making it more engaging, dynamic, and effective through the principles of game design, I'd love to hear from you. Together, let's craft a Master's thesis that stands at the intersection of education, technology, and game dynamics. Let's turn learning into an adventure and reshape the digital educational landscape!

In-Depth Exploration:

At its core, learning is a deeply human experience, driven by curiosity, challenge, and the thrill of discovery. But in the vast (digital) landscape of learning, these driving factors can sometimes be eclipsed by monotonous content delivery and passive consumption. Enter gamification—a strategy that infuses the dynamics of games into learning, making the process more engaging, rewarding, and motivating.

Consider a course where learners aren't just passive recipients but active participants on a quest. Each module can be a level to conquer, with challenges (quizzes) to overcome, badges to earn, and leaderboards to climb. The outcome? An environment where learners are driven by intrinsic motivation, a sense of achievement, and healthy competition.

The potency of gamification isn't just about making learning "fun". It's rooted in deep psychological triggers—setting clear goals, receiving immediate feedback, and being rewarded for effort and achievement. But, integrating gamification effectively into learning (and platforms) requires a delicate balance. Overdo it, and the learning essence might be overshadowed; underdo it, and the impact might be negligible.

A Master's thesis in learning technology can be done individually or in collaboration with other master's students. Here, there are vast opportunities to delve deep into topics that you are passionate about.

Please get in touch with Omid Mirmotahari,, and we'll figure it out together.

A possible proposal for a thesis could be (not limited to): 

"Integrate gamification into learning (platform) and assess its impact on student engagement, course completion, and learning outcomes."



Publisert 4. okt. 2023 21:29 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 21:29


Omfang (studiepoeng)