Accessibility and Inclusivity in Digital Learning Tools

Have you ever pondered the true essence of education? Beyond curriculums and technologies, it's about bridging gaps, leveling the playing field, and ensuring that every individual, regardless of their unique challenges, has a fair shot at learning and growth. I am embarking on a mission to ensure that digital learning tools are not just cutting-edge, but also deeply inclusive and accessible. If you share this vision of a world where digital platforms are empathetic, accommodating, and truly for everyone, then I invite you to join me on this journey. Reach out, and together, let's craft a Master's thesis that stands as a testament to our commitment to inclusive education. Let's champion a future where learning truly has no barriers!


Education, a foundational pillar of societal growth, should be an equal right, not a privilege. Yet, the rapid proliferation of digital learning tools has sometimes inadvertently left behind learners with disabilities or those who require different accommodations. Whether it's visual impairments, hearing challenges, cognitive differences, or motor disabilities, the tools of today must cater to the diverse needs of all students.

Visualize an e-learning platform where a visually impaired student can navigate seamlessly with voice commands, or where content is automatically transcribed into sign language for the hearing impaired. Consider interactive modules that adjust their pace for students with learning disabilities or interfaces that are meticulously designed for those with motor challenges. The essence of inclusivity in digital learning tools isn't just about adding features; it's about reimagining the very fabric of the platform with empathy, foresight, and innovation.

Creating such holistic tools requires a blend of technical acumen, a deep understanding of diverse user needs, and an unwavering commitment to equity in education.

A Master's thesis in learning technology can be done individually or in collaboration with other master's students. Here, there are vast opportunities to delve deep into topics that you are passionate about.

Please get in touch with Omid Mirmotahari,, and we'll figure it out together.

A possible proposal for a thesis could be (not limited to): 

"Design or enhance an e-learning tool focusing on accessibility. Incorporate features like text-to-speech, sign language interpretation, or user-friendly interfaces for motor challenges."

Publisert 4. okt. 2023 21:34 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 21:47


Omfang (studiepoeng)