Playing the service game - the digitalization of user-centric processes

Nowadays, companies offer a wide range of services to their users, e.g. online shopping, tax declaration, online booking, etc. However, these companies generally do not have insights into the experiences of their users, they don't know the user journey they are offering. A user journey (link) describes the experiences a person has when interacting with different systems, typically digital services.Therefore, we automatically process records (logs) of companies recording their user interactions by using Process Mining, and analyze the automatically generated models with logic-based methods. The logs are challenging as they display an interaction between service provider and user, offering a game theoretic perspective (link); service provider and user rarely cooperate. Additionally, companies steadily evaluate, extend, and therefore change their services, but record logs usually over several years. Available logs witness these changes, giving valuable insights into the company's policy changes.In this research topic, we will use logic-based methods towards the automated analysis of the user experience when interacting with such services.

Different directions are possible, depending on your interest:

  • Using executable modeling languages and their associated analysis tools to describe, predict, and prescribe user journeys as concurrent processes,
  • Quantifying process changes by comparing generated user journey games from different time points,
  • Visualizing policy changes by detecting process changes in logs by interpreting them over time.

This research topic is part of the Smart Journey Mining project, an ongoing collaboration between the Eindhoven University of Technology, SINTEF, and IFI.
The Smart Journey Mining project researches how user journeys can be automatically generated, analyzed, and improved.

Emneord: Game Theory, Process Mining, formal methods
Publisert 22. sep. 2023 15:25 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2023 15:25


Omfang (studiepoeng)