Study Abroad? – Master Project in Brazil, Japan or US

Funding available for selected students to do two (or one) semesters abroad for master thesis work from August 2024 – May 2025. Funding through the COINMAC collaboration project (2017–2024) between ROBIN at University of Oslo and partners in Brazil, Japan and US. Exchange would depend on no pandemic travel restrictions being in place for the countryside/region planned for. Further, funding for 2025 depends on project extension being approved by RCN/Forskningsrådet (currently the project is planned to end December 2024). 

Cover: Travel + monthly scholarship of NOK 6000 

Requirement: 60 credits of courses should have been taken and passed by the end of the spring semester 2024.

Interested? Contact: Jim Tørresen, e-mail 

Apply by sending an e-mail with subject "COINMAC Application" to Jim Tørresen 

24 October at the latest with (all in English language):

  1. A cover letter indicating what topic, lab and country you would be most interested in for an exchange scholarship for doing a master project and why you are motivated for doing your master abroad
  2. CV (including any longer stays abroad)
  3. Transcripts with grades from bachelor and master study. Applicants should have grade above average C on courses. See "Selection criteria" below for more info about required qualifications. 

Topic for master project: It is most relevant with master projects related to/in the domain of one of our externally funded project, see here. Scholarships are normally only provided to ROBIN master students.

Selection criteria: Grades, project relevance and general qualifications. Interview (including with the international partner on Zoom) may be expected. Candidates will be selected by ROBIN and relevant partners.

Decision about scholarships is to be taken 17 November at the latest. Since the decision is taken close to the IFI deadline for submitting the master plan, you should also have been thinking about what master project you would do if not going abroad.

Possible stop in scholarship Scholarship is paid in batches and can be withheld in the case of lack of progress in the master project. Being eligible for the scholarship requires thesis submission in the spring 2025, of a thesis that obtains a pass grade.


Relevant labs: 

(please don't make contact yourself with these labs before applying)




These are the current partners in the collaboration project, but we could be open for other hosts in the three selected countries (and have some other contacts not listed here that can be relevant). If you want to know more about what master projects that can be relevant, please check the recent papers of the contact person´s publication list (e.g. using Google scholar).


Outgoing ROBIN master students and returning visiting master students from Brazil, June 2018. Read more here.

Publisert 9. okt. 2023 16:19 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 16:19


Omfang (studiepoeng)