Automated processing of privacy policies using NLP and deep learning

Have you tried to read all privacy policies? Or you accepted all kinds of risks detailed in privacy policies without even reading it?

Privacy policies are used not only to notify users about personal data collection and processing, but also to collect their consent. It is expected that user will read and understand the notice, and then give an informed consent. However, the policies are often lengthy, complicated, and contain technical and legal jargon. Together with the low privacy notice comprehension and notification overload, privacy policies fail its purpose of protecting privacy. This leads to paradoxical behavior, i.e., despite being concerned about their privacy, users do not take necessary actions to protect their personal data. Automated notice processing using NLP and deep learning can facilitate extraction of data practices (e.g., purpose, retention period, opt-out choice) to support users in making informed privacy choices.

If you care about privacy and are interested in contributing to solve this problem, we look forward to speaking with you.

Publisert 3. okt. 2022 10:41 - Sist endret 3. okt. 2022 10:41


Omfang (studiepoeng)