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Assessing the effects of domain and author information on sentiment predictions

The task of sentiment analysis (SA) concerns identifying subjective textual content with positive or negative orientation. Various corpora have been used for SA, and it has been shown that various aspects of the texts can affect the accuracy of the sentiment prediction.
The aim of this project is to automatically asses the effect of domain and author information on sentiment prediction from Norwegian reviews. For this purpose we will be using the Norwegian Review Corpus (NoReC). This data set comprise over 35.000 reviews from different domains with ratings on a scale of 1–6, and the necessary information about  authors is already specified.
The precise details and scope of the thesis will be further decided in agreement between the supervisors and the candidate.
The project presupposes a good balance of technical and linguistic expertise. Good programming skills, experience with machine learning and a solid background in NLP are relevant qualifications. Please contact the supervisors to discuss further details.
Publisert 7. okt. 2019 15:10 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2020 13:32


Omfang (studiepoeng)