Norwegian version of this page

Getting around at the Institute of technology systems

The institute is located about 24 kilometers from Oslo Central Station, 35 kilometers from Oslo Airport, and 3 kilometers from the city of Lillestrøm. See map of the Kjeller area (Google maps). The address is: Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller.

Bus transportation from Blindern 

The bus connections are adapted to the class schedules and is free of charge. These are primarily for students, but are also open for other visitors as well, see the time table.

Arrival by car

Follow trunk road 22 from Lillestrøm/Fet, or take the E6 freeway at Hvamkrysset crossing until you see a sign that points to Forskningsinstituttene on the road called Gunnar Randers vei. Follow this road to the sign for the ITS building on the left. We have a large parking lot for employees, students and guests.

Public transportation

For journey suggestions:  

Published Nov. 22, 2016 10:51 AM - Last modified May 14, 2024 3:07 PM