Transforming Energy Systems to Address Climate Change - a guest lecture at ITS

Professor Franklin M. Orr., from the Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University will hold a guest lecture at ITS this Wednesday.

Transforming Energy Systems to Address Climate Change

Energy is the lifeblood of modern societies.  Energy services are woven throughout the fabric of modern life, rural or urban, in the developed world.    A successful global future energy system will provide energy security, economic security, and health and environmental security.  Address the challenge of climate change offers an opportunity to make progress on those broad goals with energy technologies that are clean, deployable at large scale, and fully cost competitive.

Technology improvements have started a transition away from an energy system that is dominated by fossil fuels.  Deep reductions in the cost of technologies like solar photovoltaics and wind power generation, increasing energy efficiency, and efforts to modernize the transmission and distribution of electric power, including deployment of energy storage, are reshaping the energy landscape for the United States and the world.  Recent progress has been impressive, but there is much more to be done.  This presentation examines options for meeting those challenges, outlines the need for additional energy innovation, and explores research and development pathways that offer important opportunities for continued progress toward those goals.  The range of opportunities available to create a clean energy transformation has never been bigger, if we apply in a sustained way what we know how to do now and fill the innovation pipeline for the future.

Among other, Orr joined the United States Department of Energy as Under Secretary for Science and Energy under the president period of Barack Obama.

The talk is given to our students of TEK5300/9300 course, and is also open to a larger audience.



Published Oct. 29, 2019 3:04 PM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2019 3:04 PM