Rytir on “Satellite-Earth Propagation Effects at Low Elevation Angles; Measurements and Modelling”

Martin Rytir has submitted his thesis entitled: “Satellite-Earth Propagation Effects at Low Elevation Angles; Measurements and Modelling” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Electronics and Telecommunciations at the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU.

The following committee has been appointed to evaluate his thesis, trial lecture and defence:

Dr Laurent Castanet, Onmera, France

Professor Fernando Perez Fontan, Universito of Vigo

Professor Vendela Paxal, Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU


Professor Vendela Paxal, Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU, is appointed as the administrator for the assessment commitee.


The trial lecture will take place in Rådsrommet, Electro Building, Gløshaugen, 10 May from 10:15 on the following given topic:

“Link quality assessment of a satellite system.”


The defence will take place in Rådsrommet, Electro Building, Gløshaugen, 10 May from 13:15.

The trial lecture and defence are public and anyone interested is invited to attend.

Martin Rytir carried out his PhD work at the Department of Electronic Systems

His main supervisor has been Professor Lars Erling Bråten

Published May 3, 2017 10:07 AM - Last modified May 3, 2017 10:07 AM