Space Systems Project: Final Mission presentation

This spring, two student groups designed their own mission, built the hardware and software, integrated and tested their devices, before launching their equipment on weather balloons at Andøya.

Bildet kan inneholde: azure, font, måne, elektrisk blå, astronomisk objekt.

Space students from UiO, Department of Technology Systems, will present the results from the mission to the stratosphere on May 21st. Photo credit:UiO. 

In this presentations, both groups wrap up their mission, show the analysis of their data, and reflect on lessons learned from their mission to the stratosphere.


  • Group MOIST: Measurement of CO2, humidity, pressure and temerature
  • Group TUMOR: Targeting Ultraviolet Mid-Ozone layer Radiation experiment


Published May 14, 2024 3:05 PM - Last modified May 14, 2024 3:05 PM