Spending summer with the Norwegian space industry

UiO is happy to host the student summer project - Satellite Mission Design for Ocean Utilization, which is taking place at Campus Kjeller during 5 weeks in July and August.

studenter på ITS

Challenging each other:The industry meets the students at UiO this summer. Photo: Mette Johnsrud/UiO

The project is designed for master students who seek to apply their academic knowledge to real-world challenges, providing an opportunity to work at the intersection of space technology and marine sciences. The students are given different cases to solve and to later on present for the industry. Key words are: insight analysis, idea and technology sprint, trade off, mission definition and finally presentation and document refinement.  

-Collaboration is the linchpin

- In the Norwegian space industry, collaboration is the linchpin of innovation and success. Reflecting this ethos, Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace's Space & Surveillance Division, Eidel and  Andøya Space Education are coming together for this student summer project that aims to harness the potential of satellite technology to enhance ocean utilization, says Simen Reynolds von der Lippe, project engineer at Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace.

Working towards the same goal 

Some of the students will at the end of this project be employed by Eidel, and some by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, all working towards the same goal.
- Joining this project is a win-win situation for both us as students and for the collaborative organizations, says Nora Ytterbø who is currently working on her Master of Science, emphasizing: We as students get a feeling if these organizations are of interest as a future employer, and vice versa: The industry has the chance to hook up with potential future employees.

-This is the first year that we arrange this kind of student project, says a positive Simen Reynolds von der Lippe. This is a paid position for the students who on a regular basis study at different Unis in Norway and abroad.

UiO is happy to connect the students and the industry in this manner. Hoping the process and the results of this project can lead to a reprise next year!  

Good luck to both parts! 




By Mette Johnsrud
Published July 12, 2024 1:00 PM - Last modified July 12, 2024 1:00 PM