Energy Storage Systems Group

Team´s activities

The team focuses on energy storage systems based on hydrogen technology and batteries. Our activities include synthesis, characterisation and scale-up of specifically (but not limited) hydrogen-based materials for vehicular and large-scale applications; solid-state batteries; modeling of components and hybrid storage systems. 

Part of the team during a forest retreat.


Main ongoing Projects:


Our main current collaboration partners are: 

National: the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Informatics, and Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics at UiO; Institute for Energy technology (IFE), Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), H2ClusterUNITECH; Siemens Smart Infrastructure Nordic 

International (examples): Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, University of Catania, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthact, University of Pavia, Adama Science and Technology University; University of Campinas

Master Thesis

Our students conduct research in collaboration with academic and industrial partners on projects towards practical applications. Example of completed thesis, by topic:

Hydrogen: Assisted water electrolysis with integrated PV cells; PEM fuel cell stack and system modeling; The role of the air supply system for proton exchange membrane fuel cells at high elevations; Hydrogen from offshore wind - The role of life cycle assessment in the optimal infrastructure design (link); Combined Hydrogen and Offshore Wind Production - Design and Market Value (link); Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer Modeling (link); Modelling and validation of a Fuel Cell Electric Bus (link); Ti1.1CrMn and its hydrides for the application in thermal hydrogen compression (link)

Batteries: Cycle Life prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Machine Learning (link);  Safety issues of Li-ion batteries (link); Prediction of Battery Materials Properties with Machine Learning (link); Advanced Modelling of NiMH Batteries (link); In situ operando SAXS and WAXS characterization of the anode materials (a-P/C and FeSb2) for rechargeable sodium ion batteries (link

Other topics: Antimony selenide based solar cells (link); Building-integrated photovoltaics in Norway, challenges and standards (link); Wind-Driven Clouds - Utilizing wind energy in data centers (link); How will different politics affect the energy system? (link); Conductivity and Defects in Al-doped Li7La3Zr2O12 - A solid-state Li-ion conductor (link)

Our research in the news (selection)

How to transport electricity from wind turbines far out to sea in a cheap way? Titan (2023); Verdensrommet utforskes med diselaggregater, Titan (2023); Smart energilagring bidrar til å berge klimaet, Titan (2020); Astronomy sets new records with revolutionary telescope, Titan (2020); Slik kan Norge gjøre mer for det globale klimaet, Titan (2019); UiO-forsker samarbeider med nobelprisvinneren i kjemi, Titan (2019); UiO researchers have a goal: More solar and wind energy in the electricity grid, Apollon (2017); Nye batterier er en "game changer", Titan (2016)




Published Apr. 26, 2023 2:48 PM - Last modified July 14, 2024 3:13 PM


Sabrina Sartori

Current fellows and Master students

Muhammad Salman (PhD); Emil Høj Jensen (PhD); Bjørn Aarseth (PhD); Bruno Hessel SilvaGuillermo Valenzuela; Jesus Marcos Torero; Igor Spegiorin Vicente; Federico Mandrioli; Abderrahim Eddafi; Ådne Iversen

Past students

Isabelle Viole (PhD); Torbjørn Egeland-Eriksen (PhD); Marco Blasius (visiting PhD); Mari Øgaard (PhD); Jonas Sottmann (PhD); Fleur Legrain  (visiting PhD); Elbruz Baba (PhD); Hans Kristian Haraldseth; Lasse Øien; Hugo Morales; Antonio Barile; Omid Gholamighasri; Andreas Dyve; Tobias Hvidsten; Hans Aleksander Skorgen; Johan Gustafsson; Kristin Alvestad; Jonas Flatgård Jensen; Jørgen Osnes; Charilaos Zorogiannidis; Kristine Fuglestad; Ulrik Sandvei; Jørgen Tuset; Sondre Torp; Aleksander Elstad; Jonas Kolding; Karoline Sjøen Andersen; Morten Østigård; Idun Regine Skarbø Osnes; Mauro Povia