Online Research Workshop on The Inclusion of Justice Perspectives in Energy Systems Modelling

In this interdisciplinary workshop we invite energy system modellers with curiosity about inclusion of social aspects and social scientists open to explore links between their work on energy issues and energy system modelling to explore new ways to model energy systems

Photo by Cody Pulliam on Unsplash

In this interdisciplinary workshop we will explore the cross-section of energy justice and energy systems modelling. Energy justice as a research area has so far mainly been studied by the social sciences and to a lesser extent by scholars from natural sciences and technology. However, with an increasing amount of multi- and interdisciplinary research as well as the interest of social implications of technological systems, both explicit and inexplicit energy justice research have emerged over the last few years.   

This emerging research area may be of interest for both energy justice scholars who wish to apply existing knowledge in new areas and energy modellers interested in how models may inform policy-makers on justice implications and social implications of energy systems in general. Working interdisciplinary with researchers from different academic disciplines may lead to a more powerful research experience with creative problem solving and critical thinking.

Target participants

Energy system modellers (with curiosity about inclusion of social aspects) and social scientists open to explore links between their work on energy issues and energy system modelling.

Background and motivation

Energy system models are useful tools which generate insights for low-carbon transition pathways and for the design of energy policies. The discipline has predominantly had a techno-economic focus, as these factors usually are predictable and lend themself to modelling. However, one of the current challenges of energy modelling lies in capturing social aspects of energy systems, such as political will, behavioral aspects and public acceptance. By involving scholars from both the energy modelling field and social scientists, we can capture a broader range of ideas on how these challenges could be approached potential innovations for the cross-section between these two fields. 

By studying justice implications in ESMs there is an opportunity to inform policy-makers on how long-term changes to energy systems may affect different social groups and how to minimise injustices. Understanding the social dimension of energy systems and energy transitions is imperative if we want to achieve future energy systems that are not only low-carbon but also socially just.

In this workshop we will therefore explore how and to what extent ESMs have included aspects of justice in the past and what opportunities remain unexplored. In the workshop we will complement the information from a literature review with this proposed two-day workshop where we gather both energy system modellers and social scientists to discuss both the current status and opportunities for the future. The workshop is expected to give a complementary and fuller representation of the current status of the field, and allow for the sharing of nuances and less- developed ideas.


The workshop is organised as a two-day digital event running from 13.00 to 17.00 for the first day followed by 09.00 - 13.00 for the second day.

For the initial part of the workshop, we invite interested participants to present relevant work to the focus area, preferably ongoing research projects, past ideas or planned projects. These presentations will create the basis for discussion on the current status of the field. Presentation of own work is not required for participation.

A more detailed schedule with the different modules will be presented closer in time to the workshop.


The workshop is part of a PhD research project at University of Oslo (UiO) and Include - Research centre for socially inclusive energy transitions and will feed into a scientific publication. Participants will receive information on how data will be collected, analysed and stored in line with data protection regulations after registering their interest.


Registration of interest in participating in the workshop is done via this form.


Published May 25, 2021 9:24 AM - Last modified May 24, 2023 10:50 AM