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Disputation: Isabelle Viole

Doctoral candidate Isabelle Viole at the Department of Technology Systems, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, will be defending the thesis:

"Renewable energy supply and energy storage systems for a sustainable telescope"

Picture of a smiling doctoral candidate Isabelle Viole

Join the trial lecture - June 19th at 10:15 AM (room 402, Department of Technology Systems)

"Impacts of climate change and weather extremes to renewable power supply: risks and mitigation options".

Conferral summary

I doktorgradsavhandlingen, er det blitt jobbet med hvordan et nytt 50-meters radioteleskop kan forsynes med fornybar energi. Det ble fokusert på integrering av fornybare energikilder med innovative energilagringsløsninger som batterier og hydrogen, og videre ble det undersøkt hvordan miljøpåvirkninger og energirettferdighet kunne inkluderes i energisystemmodelleringen.

Main research findings

​In the global effort to combat climate change, it's crucial for research facilities, including astronomical telescopes, to reduce their carbon footprints. One way to achieve this is by using renewable energy sources. However, telescopes are often located in remote areas that are not connected to national power grids, posing a significant challenge.
During my PhD, I focused on modeling and optimizing off-grid energy systems that rely heavily on renewable energy. I explored various energy storage solutions, such as batteries and hydrogen, combined with solar power. By using energy system optimization models, I identified which setups would be both environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
I also conducted research in Chile, investigating how local communities near the telescopes could benefit from the proposed renewable energy systems. This included examining ways to enhance energy justice in such projects.
As we continue to reduce carbon emissions and transition to renewable energy, studying energy systems in remote locations becomes increasingly important. This research is not only vital for research facilities but also for islands and remote areas in the Global South that lack access to national energy grids.

Chair of defence

Prof. Cecilie Rolstad Denby, Universitetet i Oslo

Adjudication committee

1. Opponent: Assoc Prof. Iva Ridjan Skov, University of Aalborg
2. Opponent: Prof. Francesco Cherubini, NTNU
Chair of committee: Assoc. Prof. Mathias Hudoba de Badynl, University of Oslo


Supervisor: Prof. Sabrina Sartori, University of Oslo
Co-supervisor:  Assoc. Prof. Marianne Zeyringer, University of Oslo
Co-supervisor: Chief Scientist, Øystein Ulleberg, IFE
Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Li Shen, University of Utrecht

Candidate contact information

LinkedIn: Isabelle's LinkedIn 
ResearchGate: Isabelle's ReseachGate

For more information

PhD-coordinator: Yvonne Baade
Request for thesis (.pdf)



Tags: PhD defense, Disputation, Renewable Energy Systems, Radio telescope
Published June 5, 2024 10:14 AM - Last modified June 20, 2024 6:52 PM