New hires!

This fall, the EMPOWER project has seen several additions to its research team, and we are happy to announce that our Ph.D. team is now complete!

Below you can meet our new hires.

Dóra S. Ásmunardóttir Image may contain: Person, Face, Cheek, Smile, Lip.

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Social Psychology and part of working group 3 within the Empower team. In my research, I will be focusing on people's specific beliefs and attitudes toward the sustainability of electric vehicles across their whole life cycle. I hold a master's degree in Environment and Natural Resources from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Iceland and a bachelor's degree in Psychology. 

King Men TeohImage may contain: Glasses, Smile, Vision care, Sleeve, Eyewear.

I am a Doctoral Research Fellow in the EMPOWER Project at the Department of Private Law, University of Oslo. My research area is on developing a strong and coherent regulatory framework for EV batteries to achieve a sustainable circular economy. I hold an LLB from the University of Liverpool. I was one of the top students in the country in the Certificate of Legal Practice in Malaysia. I also worked as an intern with a prominent Member of Parliament in Malaysia and assisted in the political campaigns in Malaysia’s General Election. I was also a Project Officer at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth and collaborated with the global team to organize a side event at the World Urban Forum 9. With my strong passion for sustainability and to continue playing a vital role in tackling the climate crisis, I pursued her LLM in International Law, focusing on environmental law and climate change at the University of Oslo. MyMaster’s thesis is on ‘The role of courts in adjudicating climate litigation by holding the government accountable: Its impact, challenges, and the future of climate litigation at an international and domestic level’. I am also a national rapporteur for Cambodia, Vietnam, and Finland at the Columbia Climate School Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School.

Tobias HvidstenImage may contain: Person, Forehead, Face, Hair, Cheek.

My name is Tobias Hvidsten, 25 years old and a PhD research fellow in modelling of future renewable energy systems with sustainable batteries. My research will be part of WP5 of EMPOWER looking at how sustainable EV batteries can contribute in a energy system with high shares of variable renewable energy. I recently completed my masters degree in Renewable Energy Systems at Department of Technology Systems. My master thesis looked into the fabrication, characterisation and modelling of bifacial thin film solar cells based on emerging materials. I have a bachelors degree in Physics and Astronomy with Physics as main field of study.


Published Dec. 19, 2022 3:14 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2023 10:44 AM