WP3. Consumers & Producers: Determinants of preferences. Lead: Beate Seibt

The sustainability of EV batteries depends largely on political decisions to implement more sustainable sourcing of materials and manufacturing, and on producer and consumer choices. WP3 therefore examines the determinants of such choices among EV battery consumers and producers/providers. The majority of studies on EV adoption (e.g. ref16) examine consumer preferences and adoption intentions/ decisions for EVs in general, thus, do not probe respondents for their specific beliefs and attitudes about the sustainability and life cycle of EV batteries. WP3 will try to answer the following RQs: 1) What are the perceived costs and benefits of sustainable batteries across their whole life cycle?; 2) How do consumers make choices for themselves based on these costs and benefits?; 3) How do they form preferences for Norway’s path towards a sustainable future?; and 4) What are EV owners preferences for battery ownership and possible repurposing or recycling?