Nordic Energy Systems Research Program

The program is divided into four work packages (WPs) Each WP is  analyzed by selected research environments in collaboration with Nordic Energy Research and SINTEF Energy. 

Aims of the program

The aims of The Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic energy system research Program are to:

  • Strengthen Nordic research competencies and collaboration between different groups and institutions researching Nordic energy systems by building on existing national research programs.
  • Add Nordic and national value by facilitating synthesis of current national research results and benchmarking these on a regional level.
  • Bring together national research group with specific knowledge of sub-sectors in the field to investigate similar research questions would give additional insights into how methodology, models and assumptions influence results.

The Department of Technology Systems (UiO) is part of WP2 and WP4.

WP2, (March 2022 – August 2022) Increased electrification - new electricity generators and consumers

In WP2 the participants will explore and describe how increased electrification from new electricity generators and consumers (Offshore wind, PV, P2X, CC(U)S, EVs, new industrial processes e.g. the Hydrogen-based steel production, data centers, Flexible heat-pumps and electric boilers, Smart appliances, etc.) and changes to the transmission grid, the distribution grid and storage can be implemented in energy system analysis, how different methods and assumptions affect the results, and what consequences these new trends will have for the energy system (changes to different demands and emissions). In this WP, various measures, and policies for introducing these new generators and consumers, and how to ensure a reliable and efficient grid in the Nordic countries should be analyzed and assessed.

Participating institutions:

IVL (Sweden)

Institute for Energy Technology (Norway)

SINTEF Energy (Norway)

University of Oslo (Norway)

Funding: NOK 2 millions

WP4, (February 2023 – August 2023) Fossil free and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructure

In WP4, the participants will explore and describe how fossil free, and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructure can be implemented in energy system analysis, how different methods and assumptions affects the results, and what consequences new technology, modal shifts, mobility and freight trends, demographic development, urbanization trends and spatial development can have for the energy system. In this WP, various measures, and policies for achieving efficient and low-carbon transport should be analyzed and assessed.

Participating institutions:

Institute for Energy Technology (Norway)

IVL (Sweden)

SINTEF Energy (Norway)

University of Oslo (Norway)

Funding: NOK 2 millions


You can read more about WP1-WP4 here

Source: Nordic Energy Research (NER)



Publisert 26. apr. 2023 10:44 - Sist endret 16. juni 2023 11:28