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Disputation: Sigurd Eide

Sigurd Eide at the Department of Technology Systems will be defending the thesis

"RIMFAX-modeling for Martian subsurface exploration: Ground-penetrating radar studies for the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, during exploration of Jezero Crater Floor"

for the degree of philosophiae doctor.

Image may contain: Forehead, Smile, Collar, Happy, Throat.

Trial lecture - time and place

Date:      20th of April, 2023
Time:      10:15
Place:     Room 402, Department of Technology Systems

Topic for the trial lecture:      
Ultra-wideband antennas – fundamentals, state of the art and future trends for remote sensing and wireless communication

Main research findings

Radar echoes on Mars can reveal stories about our neighbour planet’s hidden past. The RIMFAX ground-penetrating radar on NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, was the first to conduct soundings while driving over the Martian surface, contributing to the grand endeavour of studying the planet’s geology and searching for traces of life beyond Earth.

Radar sounding can disclose structures and properties that are concealed below the Martian surface. Another possible application is detection of water resources that will be needed when humans start traveling to the planet; however, deciphering information in the radar measurements can be challenging. Numerical modeling is therefore used to help understand what lies encrypted within the recorded data. This dissertation investigates how numerical modeling can incorporate instrument design and realistic media properties, in order to support the pioneering efforts of RIMFAX data acquisition and analysis during a frontier mission. By generating realistic modelled data for developing analysis methods, we obtain a better understanding of which information can be retrieved from the data and how.

Adjudication committee

  • Antonis Giannopoulos
    School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
  • Egil Eide
    Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU
  • Anja Kohfeldt
    Department of Technology Systems, UiO

Chair of defence

Josef Noll, Department of Technology Systems, UiO



Department of Technology systems


Publisert 3. apr. 2023 12:38 - Sist endret 16. juni 2023 11:28