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Trial lecture: Mari Øgaard

Doctoral candidate Mari Øgaard at the Department of Technology Systems will give a trial lecture on the given topic: 

"Discuss and suggest a suitable method /methodology for solar power forecasting for Norway and the Nordics, including existing models for load and power forecasting, importance of snow, and general time accuracy (12-72h)"

Image may contain: Clothing, Forehead, Nose, Smile, Cheek.

For digital participation: 

Zoom link can be found here.


Disputation: Mari ØgaardMethodology for performance evaluation of PV systems - with a special focus on high latitudes and snow

For further information

Popular scientific summary of Mari Øgaards dissertation.

Publisert 5. okt. 2022 07:13 - Sist endret 16. juni 2023 11:28