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Disputas: Åsmund Skomedal

M.sc. Åsmund Skomedal ved Institutt for teknologisystemer vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden philosophiae doctor:

Data-based approaches to efficient operation and maintenance of PV systems

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, nese, kinn, smil.

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The growth of solar energy and its role in the clean energy transition 

Hovedfunn (på engelsk)

Solar power is the fastest growing energy source on the planet. If we are to avoid dangerous global warming, we need to continue building solar power at an accelerating pace. In modern, large-scale solar power plants, vast amounts of data are being logged and stored. These data have the potential to be of great value; to make solar plants more efficient and solar power cheaper. But to uncover the hidden structures in the data and transform them into useful information, advanced digital and statistical tools are needed. In my thesis, I propose data-driven methods that provide decision support and make the operation and maintenance of solar power systems more cost-efficient. One of the methods I propose helps map out energy losses due to dust and dirt on the solar panels, as well as the rate at which the solar panels degrade over time. Another method helps detect failures in the solar panels, allowing the operators to make timely and appropriate maintenance actions. By uncovering the information hidden in the data, the methods proposed in this thesis will help solar power becoming the cheap and reliable energy source we will need it to be.

For mer informasjon

PhD rådgiver, Ida Elisabeth Rydning, i.e.rydning@its.uio.no

Teknisk ansvarlig, Arild Hemstad, arild.hemstad@its.uio.no

Publisert 8. apr. 2021 10:40 - Sist endret 19. juni 2023 11:47