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Disputas: Titus M. Casademont

Ph.d-kandidat Titus M. Casademont ved Institutt for teknologisystemer, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Philosophiae Doctor:

"Dielectric Permittivity with Ground Penetrating Radar: Analysis of the Shallow Martian Subsurface"

Bildet av smilende ph.d. kandidat Titus M. Casademont

Delta på prøveforelesning - 12. juni kl. 10:15 (rom 402, Institutt for teknologisystemer)


 "Planetary exploration using non-radar geophysical methods".


Nei da, vi har ikke sett skjult vann eller gravkamre til marsboerne med vår robotradar på Mars. Likevel viser dette deg hvordan du ville søke etter dem! I stedet fant vi utenomjordisk lava som stivnet i en dunkel, lenge glemt tidsalder. Greit nok, ikke sant?


We investigate how to identify buried material from planetary surfaces vehicles with radar instruments. The first such instrument on Mars is the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) aboard NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover. Its primary objective is to analyze the structure and material type of the subsurface within the first several meters. Specifically, we want to know the 'dielectric permittivity', a pivotal parameter in radar subsurface investigations. We derive the permittivity from the data we have been gathering in Jezero Crater, Mars, since Perseverance's landing there in February 2021. Our initial findings from the area suggest dense volcanic material up to at least 5 m depth. This greatly enhances our understanding of Jezero’s subsurface composition as well as of the implemented methods.
Technically speaking we adapted the hyperbola-matching for rover-mounted radar. The complexity of the Martian setting also made us incorporate hyperbolic pattern enhancement. Furthermore, we explored the complementary surface reflectivity method to synergize with hyperbola-matching. 

Leder av disputas

Prof. Cecilie Rolstad Denby, Universitetet i Oslo


1. Opponent: Assoc. prof. Elisabetta Mattei, Università degli Studi Roma TRE
2. Opponent: Prof. Martin Landrø, NTNU
Komitéleder: Prof. Torbjørn Skauli, Universitetet i Oslo


Hovedveileder: Prof. Svein-Erik Hamran, Universitetet i Oslo
Medveileder: Prof. Henning Dypvik, Universitetet i Oslo
Medveileder: Prof. David A. Paige, UCLA

For mer informasjon

PhD-koordinator: Yvonne Baade
Anmodning om tilgang til avhandlingen (.pdf)



Emneord: PhD, Disputas, CENSSS, Space, RIMFAX
Publisert 29. mai 2024 11:09 - Sist endret 29. mai 2024 14:33