5G for Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

Guest lecturer Ilangko Balasingham will give an overview of wireless medical applications including wireless body area sensor networks in the context of 5G. He will briefly walk through new technologies for remote diagnosis, monitoring and treatment with examples.


Recent developments in the field of wireless radio technology has enhanced the way diagnosis, monitoring and treatment  can be done for patients with different disorders such as anal bleeding, Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, heart failure, intestinal tumors, and brain cancer. For example, physicians rely on the insertion of flexible tubes containing cameras to examine hard-to-reach parts of the digestive tract. This technique, however, can examine the upper portion of the digestive tract only, while colonoscopies help to visualize the lower part (colon). There is a large portion (ca. 6 meters) of the small intestine that cannot be inspected. Capsule endoscopes help to fill this gap with significantly less discomfort for the patient. A capsule endoscope is a camera with the size and shape of a pill that is swallowed in order to visualize the gastrointestinal tract. They originally were devised to transmit still images of the digestive tract for subsequent diagnosis and detection of gastrointestinal diseases. In this talk, we will demonstrate wireless transmission of high definition real-time video of the digestive tract using high data rate radio interface.

Bio: Ilangko Balasingham received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of  Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim in 1993 and 1998, respectively, both in signal processing. He performed his Master’s degree thesis at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, USA. From 1998 to 2002, he worked as Research Engineer developing image and video streaming solutions for mobile handheld devices at Fast Search & Transfer ASA, Oslo, which is now part of Microsoft Inc. Since 2002 he has been with the Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital, where he heads the Section for Medical ICT R&D. He was appointed Professor of Medical Signal Processing and Communications at NTNU in 2006. For the academic year 2016/2017 he was Professor by courtesy at the Frontier Institute, Nagoya Institute of Technology in Japan. His research interests include super robust short range communications for both in-body and on-body sensors, body area sensor network, microwave short range sensing of vital signs, short range localization and tracking mobile sensors, and nanoscale communication networks. He has authored or co-authored over 240 journal and full conference papers,  7 book chapters, 42 abstracts, 6 patents, and 20 articles in popular press. Ilangko has given 16 invited/keynotes at the international conferences.  In addition he is active in organizing conferences (Steering Committee Member of ACM NANOCOM 2018-2021; General Chair: the 2019 IEEE Int. Symposium of Medical ICT, the 2012 Body Area Networks (BODYNETS) conference; TPC Chair of the 2015 ACM NANOCOM) and editorial board (Area Editor of Elsevier Nano Communication Networks 2013-unti now).  See http://www.balasingham.com for more information.



Publisert 12. apr. 2019 13:10 - Sist endret 12. apr. 2019 13:10