Tidligere arrangementer - Side 6

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Room 402, Gunnar Randers vei 19, Kjeller

Bring your own lunch. Coffee/tea is on the house. We hope to see you at ITS!    

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Gunnar Randers vei 19, room 402

Karen holds a PhD (2017) in Energy System Analysis from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), analysing the impact of Zero Energy Buildings on the Power System.

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Gunnar Randers vei 19, room 402, 2007 Kjeller

The talk will take place on Friday the 23'rd of March at ITS.

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2027 Kjeller

Christofaro will talk about the role of redundancy in control and estimation of dynamical systems. 

Tid og sted: , Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2027 Kjeller, Room 402

Optimisation-based control and estimation for autonomous systems. Meet postdoc Mario Zanon at the Department of Technology Systems Monday the 18'th of December.

Tid og sted: , Institutt for teknologisystemer, Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2027 Kjeller

Velkommen til lunsjkollokvium med ITS-foreleser Terje Tjelta i auditoriet fredag 1.desember klokka 12.00.

Tid og sted: , Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller

Come and meet some of our both interested and interesting lecturers and connected researchers, all of whom offer master’s theses from the research they are doing.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium ITS, Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 KJELLER

Jonas will present his PhD work Passive UV remote sensing of volcanic sulphur and halogen emissions (Ph.D. Project) Thursday 26'th of October at ITS.

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, UNIK-building, Kjeller, Room 402

Christopher A. Dirdal has submitted his thesis entitled:

“Metamaterial effective parameters”

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications at the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU.

Tid og sted: , Disputasrommet, Main Building, Gløshaugen

Anne-Lena Kampen has submitted her thesis entitled: “Wireless Sensor Networks: energy efficiency and path recovery” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Telematics at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU.

Tid og sted: , Rådsrommet, Electro Building, Gløshaugen

Martin Rytir has submitted his thesis entitled:“Satellite-Earth Propagation Effects at Low Elevation Angles; Measurements and Modelling” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Electronics and Telecommunciations at the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU.

Tid og sted: , Aud.2, Kjemibygningen, UiO

M.Sc. Jonas Sottmann vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden PhD: 

Synchrotron Based Operando Methods for Characterization of Non-Aqueous Rechargeable Battery Electrode Materials

Tid og sted: , UNIK-building, room 402, Gunnar Randers' vei 19 2007 Kjeller

Martin Rytir on Satellite-Earth Propagation Effects at Low Elevation Angles: Measurements and Modeling

Tid og sted: , UNIK-building, Room 401, Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller

Propagation channel models for body centric wireless sensor networks will be discussed. Recent developments within in-body, on-body and body-to-body propagation channel modelling activities will be presented.


Tid og sted: , Disputasrommet, Main Building, NTNU Gløshaugen

Xuemei Cheng from the Departent of Material Science and Engineering has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science (NTNU):

“Development and characterization of surface passivation materials on silicon wafers for solar cells”
Tid og sted: , Institute for Technology Systems, room 401

By lecturer, Professor Torbjörn Ekman from the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU. Welcome!

Tid og sted: , Gunnar Randers vei 19

Torsdag 2.februar er det offisiell åpning av UiOs nye institutt, Institutt for teknologisystemer.

Tid og sted: , Institutt for Teknologisystemer (ITS@UiO), Kjeller

Agenda for the proposal preparation meeting:

1.1 Logistics

1.2 Objectives

1.3 How to

1.4 Expected Outcome

1.5 Background

1.6 Contributing Partners

GotoMeeting/phone 216-058-909