Lunch seminar with Andrea Christofaro at ITS Tuesday the 9'th of January

Christofaro will talk about the role of redundancy in control and estimation of dynamical systems. 

Andrea Christofaro

On January the 9'th you have the opportunity to meet Andrea Christofaro at ITS.

Christofaro is currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the School of Science and Technoligy of the University of Camerino, Italy. In the past years, he has been employed in Norway as a post-doc fellow and adjunct associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

His research interests include: robust and constrained control, control allocation, optimal control, fault detection/isolation and fault tolerant control, unmanned vehicles, simultaneous localization and mapping problems, wind turbine control systems, control of partial differential equations, cyber-physical systems and hybrid control systems.


Bring your own lunch. ITS provides coffee and tea.



Publisert 4. jan. 2018 14:05 - Sist endret 4. jan. 2018 15:14