Anne-Lena Kampen on “Wireless Sensor Networks: energy efficiency and path recovery”

Anne-Lena Kampen has submitted her thesis entitled: “Wireless Sensor Networks: energy efficiency and path recovery” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Telematics at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU.


The following committee has been appointed to evaluate her thesis, trial lecture and defence:

Professor Luis Muños, University of Cantabria

Senior Research Scientist Isabelle Tardy, Sintef Digital, Oslo

Professor Yuming Jiang, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology


Professor Yuming Jiang, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU, is appointed as the administrator for the assessment commitee.


The trial lecture will take place in Disputasrommet, Main Building, Gløshaugen, 18 May from 10:15 on the following given topic:


"Long Rage Wireless IoT Technologies: Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) vs Cellular”


The defence will take place in Disputasrommet, Main Building, Gløshaugen, 18 May from 13:15.

The trial lecture and defence are public and anyone interested is invited to attend.

Anne-Lena Kampen carried out her PhD work at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology.

Her main supervisor has been Professor Øivind Kure.

Publisert 4. mai 2017 15:37 - Sist endret 4. mai 2017 15:45