Welcome to the guest lecture: “Reaching Net-Zero emissions: The role of bioenergy”

The talk will be held by IFEs department manager, Antonio Geraldo de Paula Oliveira. 

The energy sector is the source of around 75% of GHG emissions and holds the key to preventing the worst impacts of climate change. Reducing global carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions to net-zero by 2050 is consistent with efforts to limit the increase in average global temperatures. And this requires a broad transformation of how we produce, transport, and consume energy.

Modern and sustainable forms of bioenergy play an important role in this transformation due to their versatile production and wide sector utilization. Also, they can often make use of existing transmission and distribution systems and end-user equipment.

In this talk, Oliveira will cover bioenergy sources, the constraints on expanding their supply, and possible trade-offs with sustainable development, including avoiding conflicts at a local level with other uses of land, e.g. food production and biodiversity protection.



Publisert 28. apr. 2022 13:07 - Sist endret 28. apr. 2022 14:55