Gjesteforelesning med Klaus Gaarder

eSIM – towards a new paradigm er tittelen på fredagens gjesteforelesning på ITS.

eSIM – towards a new paradigm

 The lecture will cover what a SIM-card (UICC) does. Also the following:  

  •   the Technology
  •    short history of why eSIM evolves and how
  •    covering what eSIM is (digital distribution)
  •    eSIM architecture for IoT/M2M
  •    eSIM architecture for consumer devices (handsets, tablets, etc)
  •    some thoughts on future developments of the Technology
  •    what goes on in ETSI SCP on SoC solutions (iSSP)


Background: Klaus Gaarder is responsible for eSIM technology standards support in Telenor Group. He holds an MSc in mathematics from UiO (1987) and has 30y R&D

Experience in the telcoms industry (Alcatel, Televerket, Ericsson,Telenor)  in information security, telecom systems architecture,

Business modelling and M2M/IoT business Development.

Current activity is on eSIM developments in Telenor and GSMA, the future standard of "SIM-cards" in ETSI SCP, 3GPP 5G security architecture





Publisert 27. apr. 2018 12:03 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2018 12:03