Emerging Technologies for Ship Power Plant - Welcome to a talk by Krishna Kumar Nagalingam

Over the last decade, the regulations on emissions of pollutants have become strict. This has led to a new thinking across various sectors of maritime industries. 


Many transportations and shipping line companies are looking for an energy efficient system with improved fuel consumption with less carbon emissions.

By using an online cost optimizer, the optimal load setpoints for various produces, such as diesel generators, batteries, fuel cell etc., and the optimal power plant configuration/connections to improve overall fuel consumption and efficiency is determined.

Therefore, for future ships the Energy Management system (EMS) needs to be intelligent and autonomous to determine optimal configuration according to the operational profile. It is required to plan, decide and act according to a top-level mission management.

You can learn about this from Nagalingam who is a Product Advisor at EMS, Energy Product & Engineering, on May the 5th!




Publisert 17. feb. 2022 13:23 - Sist endret 19. apr. 2023 14:01