Recent trends in Network-based security and detection - a lunch seminar with professor Paal E.Engelstad

Bring your own lunch. Coffee/tea is on the house. We hope to see you at ITS!    

Welcome to a lunch seminar with professor Paal E.Engelstad at ITS on Tuesday the 10'th of April.

Engelstad holds a 80% position as a professor at OsloMet, a 20% position as a professor II at the Department of Technology Systems, UiO and a 20% position as a researcher at Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. Prior to this, Engelstad worked as a project director and leader of a research group at Simula Research Labaratory and as a senior research scientist at Telenor GBDR.  



Publisert 5. apr. 2018 12:57 - Sist endret 9. apr. 2018 10:11