Project Proposal for Visjon 2030

Agenda for the proposal preparation meeting:

1.1 Logistics

1.2 Objectives

1.3 How to

1.4 Expected Outcome

1.5 Background

1.6 Contributing Partners

GotoMeeting/phone 216-058-909

Proposal preparation meeting

The Department of Technology Systems (ITS) at the University of Oslo is located in the UNIK building in Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller.

By public transport you either take the train to Lillestrøm, and then "whatever" bus going to Kjeller. Closest bus stop is "Forskningsparken (Skedsmo)".
Alternatively take a bus going directly from Oslo to Kjeller. ITS has also an own bus scheduled for students coming from Ifi to Kjeller (see schedule).


Phone: 23 16 23 30, Code: 216 058 909
Contact: Josef Noll, m: 9083 8066


    Publisert 20. jan. 2017 14:25