One Year of RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars Rover Perseverance - Insight to the Martian Past

Phd research fellow Titus M.Casademont will give a public talk at the OSEG event "Extra-terrestrial Geophysics" on Tuesday 31st of May.

Mars roveren Perseverance på planeten Mars

The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) RIMFAX is the first surface based ground radar operating on Mars, and has been continuously sounding the shallow Martian subsurface along the Rover traverse. Welcome to hear Casademont’s talk on the 31st of May. Photo credit: NASA  

In February 2021, NASA's newest Mars Rover 'Perseverance' landed successfully on the Martian surface on the Jezero Crater floor. On board of Perseverance is the Norwegian build and operated Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) RIMFAX, as one of the seven science instrument suites. RIMFAX is the first surface based ground radar operating on Mars and has been continuously sounding the shallow Martian subsurface along the Rover traverse. The Rover is currently operating on the crater floor, and will eventually make its way up an ancient delta to the surrounding high plains around Jezero Crater, searching for possible tracers of ancient life. In this talk, we will discuss first results and challenges of this planetary radar mission. The talk will be given by a RIMFAX team member from the University of Oslo, the host of the Norwegian part of RIMFAX operations and science.

More information about the event: Extra-terrestrial Geophysics 


Publisert 27. mai 2022 15:35 - Sist endret 29. mai 2022 15:52