Tobias is considering a PhD at Kjeller

As we speak, Tobias Verheugen Hvidsten is in a job interview for a PhD position at ITS. Having said that, he is also open for a job offer in the field of renewable energy. Either way forward, fingers crossed, Tobias!  

Bildet kan inneholde: smil, sky, møbler, anlegg, dagtid.

Tobias Verheugen Hvidsten (to the right in the photo) recently defended his master thesis titled: "Antimony selenide based solar cells - Fabrication, characterisation and modelling towards development of bifacial solar cells." He wrote his thesis in collaboration with the neighbouring institute, IFE.Photo credit:UiO

In our series of smalltalk (but nonetheless important talks) with our master candidates, ITS recently had him sharing some thoughs from a student perspective, related to UIOs master program in Renawable Energy Systems.  

Why did you choose the study program Renewable Energy Systems at ITS? 

-I chose to study Renewable Energy Systems at ITS, both because I had a general interest in renewable energy technology and because of my concern for the challenges of global warming and climate change. This study programme seemed ideal because it addressed both these themes. 

Has the program fulfilled your expectations? What has worked out fine, and what can be improved in the future, in your opinion?

-I am very pleased with the Renewable Energy Systems programme. I especially like how the programme gives a broad understanding of renewable energy systems, but at the same time allows to go really in depth into topics of choice. This enabled me to pursue my interest in solar cells, at the same time as I learned to see the bigger picture. 

Through this study programme I have been able to write my master thesis with IFE and do parts of my work on an exchange semester in Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia. This is an opportunity I am grateful for and believe would have been difficult to carry out without the close connection ITS has to IFE and other research institutions.

One aspect I think can be improved is the information about possible master theses. Due to the close contact ITS has with different research institutions I feel like there are so many opportunities for collaboration, but which might be difficult to find out about. I think it would be nice for the students to have a better overview of possibilities or who to contact.  

How did you find being a student at UiO "Campus Kjeller"?

-Having previously studied at Blindern campus, moving to Kjeller I must admit I missed the student environment at Blindern. Having to commute from Oslo to Kjeller was also a con, but the free bus from Blindern made this immensely easier. Despite of this I have found being at ITS great, especially because of the smaller setting, enabling a much closer contact between students, professors and everybody else at the department. 

In what way has the program provided you with a foundation for developing the use of renewable energy systems in society?

-I found that the Renewable Energy Systems study programme provided a lot of knowledge necessary in the transition towards a more sustainable society. I have learned about the challenges but also the possibilities of renewable energy. I am also very pleased to have learned not only about the energy generation technologies themself, but also about topics such as integration in the energy system, energy markets and life cycle considerations. Through my master thesis I was also able to participate in research to develop more sustainable solar cells, which was a great experience. 

Work or a Phd in the future?

-I am currently in the process of finding a job, and I am also very interested in taking a PhD. I am open to different jobs and considering every position as long as it is related to renewable energy. What is important to me, is to find a job where I can utilize the knowledge I have obtained during my time spent at ITS and contribute to the energy transition.


Av Mette Johnsrud
Publisert 1. juli 2022 12:15 - Sist endret 1. juli 2022 17:42