

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Rom 402

Welcome as a master's student at Department of Technology Systems (ITS)!

Tid og sted: , Department of Technology Systems, Rom 402

Welcome to the second day of sessions and events for all new Master's students at Department of Technology Systems (ITS).


Tid og sted: , Rom 402, ITS

ITS inviterer stolt alle masterkandidater som fullfører sin mastergrad høst 2023 og vår 2024 til en feiring av graden

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 401

Optimising Hydrogen Supply Chains for High-Speed Passenger Vessel Ports
- A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Approach for the Nordlandsekspressen "NEX" 1 route

Tid og sted: , Rom 214, ITS

Taking F1TENTH off-road

Tid og sted: , Rom 402, ITS

What is it like being a student in Lillestrøm kommune (municipality)? Come tell them!

Tid og sted: , ITS, Auditoriet

Learn more about possible topics for master theses and meet the scientists who can supervise them!

Tid og sted: , ITS, Auditoriet

Lær om mulighetene for masteroppgaver, og møt forskerne som kan veilede deg! 

Tid og sted: , ITS
Tid og sted: , ITS, Kjeller

Studenter tatt opp til studieretning for Kybernetikk og autonome systemer på masterprogrammet for Informatikk: Robotikk og intelligente systemer inviteres til ITS på Kjeller for mer informasjon.

Tid og sted: , Rom 401, ITS, Gunnar Randers vei 19

Reduction of resonance frequency with magneto-dielectrics, for UHF microstrip antennas

Tid og sted: , Rom 301, ITS, Gunnar Randers vei 19

Design and evaluation of a Lift-Augmented Quadcopter
- An alternative UAV design for improved efficiency during transit

Tid og sted: , ITS, Auditoriet
Tid og sted: , ITS, Kjeller

An official greeting, more information, social interaction and food will be offered all students accepted to the Master's programme in Renewable Sciences

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 402

Using ray tracing to model agri-PV greenhouse energy production and PAR levels

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

Hydrogen from offshore wind:
The role of life cycle assessment in the optimal infrastructure design

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

Cycle Life prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Machine Learning

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

The Effect of Water Availability on the European Green-Hydrogen Based Power System:
Water – Energy Nexus Approach

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

Combined Hydrogen and Offshore Wind Production - Design and Market Value

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

Antimony selenide based solar cells
- Fabrication, characterisation, and modelling towards development of bifacial solar cells

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 301

Analysis of Battery Integrated Fast-Charging Station for Electric Vehicles - Optimized Battery Utilization

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 308

Hydrogen production modelling of a water
electrolyser with PV data as input

Tid og sted: , Rom 301, ITS, Gunnar Randers vei 19

Formation control: Comparing Leader-Follower and Graph Rigidity Approaches in Differential-Drive Mobile Ground Robots

Tid og sted: , ITS, Auditoriet (robotlab'en)

We invite all master students in the Cybernetics and autonomous systems (KAS) program to a causal research lunch. 

Tid og sted: , ITS, Auditoriet (robotlab'en)

Vi inviterer alle masterstudenter på Kybernetikk og autonome systemer (KAS) til faglig lunsj.