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Submitting and finishing

Submitting the thesis

  1. First things first: finish your thesis! You will find practical information here:
  2. The deadline for submission can be found in StudentWeb. The thesis is considered submitted when you have sent it to studieinfo@its.uio.no within this deadline - we recommend using FileSender. You will receive an automatic reply that will serve as your receipt that the thesis has been submitted on time. ITS does not use Inspera as a tool for submitting master's theses.
  3. The assignment must also be submitted to DUO via StudentWeb.
  4. Note that the theoretical curriculum must normally be passed before submitting your assignment, and in cases where the program council has made exception to this rule, the last exam must be passed before you can present your master's thesis and get your grade. You must also have paid your semester fee and be registered for the semester in which you present your thesis.

Master presentations

The presentation of the master's thesis takes place approximately 3 weeks after submission and can have an adjusting effect on your grade. The procedure is as follows:

  • The supervisor(s) will not be a part of setting the grade, but will provide the examiners a full account on how the student has worked with the thesis in a pre-meeting.
  • The candidate will hold a public presentation of 30 minutes and give an overview of the thesis. The following subjects will normally be presented: the problem and topic for the thesis, method and theory, results and conclusions, as well as discussion related to earlier research in the field.
  • After the presentation there will a questioning/examination of the student. Normally, audience members can stay and participate for questions, but we ask that only the candidate, supervisors and examiners are part of the actual examination.
  • Directly after the examination, the candidate leaves the room. The examiners and supervisors discuss and sum up the candidate’s presentation and examination. The supervisors will then leave the room before the examiners discuss the final grade.
  • The final grade is being set without the supervisors present. Two grades must be set:
    • One (sub-)grade on the written work of the master thesis, taken into consideration the supervisors’ input. If the candidate later chooses to make a complaint against the grade, this grade is the only one that can be contested.
    • One final, total grade, where the presentation and the examination also counts. This final grade is the only grade that will appear on the diploma. The examiners must judge by their best efforts how to weight the written thesis against the oral presentation/examination when finalizing the final grade.
  • After the grade is set, the candidate will get a short, oral explanation of the grade by one of the examiners, with both candidate and supervisor present.

Printing your thesis

If you wish to have printed versions of your master thesis, these can be ordered from UiO's Graphic center. The department covers up to 4 copies with up to 20 color pages as needed. These 4 copies are for you; if your supervisor(s) also want a printed copy, you can order one copy for each supervisor as well. If you send in your thesis for printing, you must include the following codes:

  1. Budget code (tiltakskode): 102423075

  2. Location code (stedskode): 15600000

If you want more copies or more color pages, you can order them at the same time and pay the excess directly to the Graphic center.



Publisert 9. nov. 2023 11:40 - Sist endret 14. mai 2024 22:18