Development and Commissioning of a Ground-Based Rover Prototype with Advanced Environmental Payload

We are developing a Neutron and Gamma-ray spectrometer for deploying it on the Moon and Mars, in orbit or on a lander, to find water and other volatiles of interest for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU).

Neutron and Gamma-ray spectroscopy is a powerful tool in geophysics, and planetary science as it is the only technique that provides bulk chemical composition and elemental abundance at depth, at a range of spatial scales, which – for planetary bodies – can provide lithology, mineralogy and chemistry. Importantly, such an instrument package can identify and quantify water and other key elements relevant to assessing planetary volatile abundances and evolution, assessing radioactivity and habitability to advance sustainable human exploration.


This project represents the culmination of four previous projects, aiming to construct and commission a fully functional ground-based rover prototype. The rover will be equipped with the Compact Gamma-ray and Neutron Counter (C-GRNC) and an advanced environmental payload, incorporating insights and technologies from earlier projects.


Key Tasks:

  • Rover Integration: Assemble the ground-based rover prototype, integrating the C-GRNC, Raspberry Pi-based control system, and the advanced environmental payload developed in previous projects.
  • Subsystem Synchronisation: Ensure seamless communication and synchronization between the C-GRNC, environmental sensors (GPS, thermometer, barometer, hygrometer), data acquisition systems, and data transmission modules.
  • Thermal Control: Implement thermal control mechanisms to maintain optimal operating temperatures for all integrated components, safeguarding their functionality under varying environmental conditions.
  • Power Management: Develop an efficient power management system, including energy sources (e.g., solar panels or batteries) and distribution, to ensure uninterrupted rover operation.
  • Wiring and Routing Optimization: Fine-tune the wiring and routing systems within the rover to minimize interference, enhance reliability, and facilitate future maintenance and upgrades.
  • Remote Control Interface: Create a user-friendly remote control interface to monitor and control the rover's functions, access real-time data, and adjust operational parameters as needed.
  • Field Testing: Conduct extensive field testing and validation to assess the rover's performance under real-world conditions, including radiation detection, environmental data acquisition, and mobility across different terrains.
  • Data Integration and Analysis: Implement data integration and analysis tools to process and interpret the collected data, providing valuable insights into environmental conditions and radiation levels.

By completing this comprehensive project, we aim to deliver a fully functional and capable ground-based rover prototype equipped with advanced radiation detection and environmental monitoring capabilities. This rover will not only enhance our understanding of Earth's environment but also serve as a valuable tool for potential future missions to other celestial bodies, such as the Moon, where similar environmental conditions may be encountered.

Emneord: romteknologi, romsystemer, Robotics
Publisert 24. okt. 2023 10:57 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2023 10:57


Omfang (studiepoeng)