Development of a Portable Radiation Monitoring and Environmental Analysis Kit

This thesis targets a terrestrial application for nuclear decommissioning,  based on the compact demonstrator for a lunar neutron and gamma ray spectrometer. 


This project centres on the design, construction, and integration of a portable Radiation Monitoring and Surveillance Kit equipped with a suite of sensors, including GPS, hygrometer, barometer, and a thermometer. The primary aim is to facilitate comprehensive environmental modelling and analysis in the Kjeller area, with a specific focus on surveying for fast, epithermal, and thermal neutrons, as well as monitoring Gamma-ray and Cosmic muons flux.


Key Tasks:

  • Kit Design and Assembly: Develop the portable Radiation Monitoring and Surveillance Kit, ensuring its user-friendly and transportable nature. The kit should be designed for easy deployment and operation in outdoor environments.
  • Sensor Integration: Integrate a range of sensors, including GPS for precise location tracking, hygrometer for humidity measurement, barometer for atmospheric pressure readings, and a thermometer for temperature monitoring.
  • Gamma-ray Detector: Incorporate a gamma-ray detector into the kit to measure and record Gamma-ray flux in the surrounding environment.
  • Muon Detector: Utilize a muon detector, such as the Glasgow muon detector or equivalent, to measure and analyse Cosmic muons flux levels in the target area.
  • Neutron Survey: Equip the kit with neutron detectors capable of surveying for fast, epithermal, and thermal neutrons. Conduct systematic surveys to assess the neutron radiation levels in the region.
  • Environmental Modelling Software: Implement advanced environmental modelling software to process data collected by the kit. Utilize the software to create detailed models and simulations of radiation and environmental conditions in the Kjeller area.
  • Field Deployments: Conduct field deployments of the portable kit to gather real-world data. Perform comprehensive surveys and measurements at various locations within the Kjeller area.
  • Data Integration and Analysis: Integrate data from all sensors and detectors into a unified dataset. Analyse the collected data to derive insights into radiation levels, environmental conditions, and their interplay.
  • Reporting and Recommendations: Prepare a project report summarising the findings and insights obtained from the field surveys and data analysis. Provide recommendations for further research or actions based on the project's outcomes.

Through this project, we aim to enhance our understanding of the environmental conditions in the Kjeller area, with a particular focus on radiation levels, neutron flux, Gamma-ray flux, and Cosmic muons flux. The portable kit will serve as a valuable tool for ongoing environmental modelling, analysis, and monitoring efforts, contributing to informed decision-making and resource management practices.

Emneord: nuclear physics, Neutron and gamma-ray detection technologies
Publisert 24. okt. 2023 11:02 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2023 11:02


Omfang (studiepoeng)