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Emergency preparedness

Safety and emergency preparedness at the Department of Chemistry.

What to do in an emergency situatuion?

In an emergency situation you call the emergency numbers. In dangerous non-acute situations you call the Security Alarm Center: 

22 85 66 66  (manned 24 hours a day, all year)

The emergency preparedness plan at the Department of Chemistry describes SOPs and responsibilities in situations where it is necessary.

    Emergency numbers

    Fire:                  110

    Police:              112

    Ambulance:     113

    Remember to say who you are, where you are and what happened.

    Security Operation Center (UiO): 22 85 66 66

    Emergency preparedness group at the Department of Chemistry

    Head of Department Stian Svelle 90 12 68 78
    Head of Office Line Altern Halvorsen Valbø 93 66 13 30
    Head of Technical staff Bjørn C. Helland-Hansen 91 14 79 74
    HSE coordinator Eva Kathrin Lang 90 70 34 71
    Leading Safety Simen Reine 93 07 10 96

    Sea also: 


    • Hovedtariffavtalen § 17
    • Arbeidsmiljøloven § 10 nr. 3