Norwegian version of this page

Health – Safety – Environment (HSE)

Known and clear rules when it comes to responsibility and tasks is important in order have good and safe working conditions, and to keep in line with the HSE-rules. 
The Department has prepared a HSE manual that all students and employees must comply with.

HSE course

Next HSE course at the Department of Chemistry:

Date: Wednesday, 04.09.2024
Time: 12:15 - 14:00
Place: Seminar room Avogadro, Department of Chemistry


If you are a new master student, a new employee or guest researcher and you will be working with chemicals and/or gasses, then you must take the online training courses in handling of chemicals and gasses before commencing work in the lab. Registration for online courses.

You need an UiO user account to register for the online courses. Further everyone, including those not working in the laboratory, must send in the HSE self-declaration.

Fire safety course

The next fire safety course for new employees, guest researchers and employees who need a refresher will be in September 2024

Dato: TBD
Tid: TBD
Sted: TBD


Registration deadline: 


Emergency numbers

Fire: 110
Police: 112
Emergency/Ambulance: 113 

Security Operation Centre UiO
0047 22 85 66 66
Contact first the emergency services, then the Security Operation Center at UiO.


Speak up

Emergency preparedness plan

The Emergency preparedness plan (Norwegian) at the Department of Chemistry describes measures and those responsible, for incidents where it is necessary for crisis management.

UiO - Emergency preparedness plan

HSE Manual

The HSE Manual shows how the work with health, safety and the environment is organized and what routines that applies for this work.

HSE at UiO



Safe Job Analyses and Standard Operating Precedures for the Department