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LAMU - Local Work Environment Group

The LAMU-group has 4-5 meetings every year. In these meetings the group will develop a strategy for HSE, follow up the local situation regarding HSE and reported injuries, in addition to following up on reports and suggestions from the safety representatives or others.

Next meeting

Next meeting: Tuesday 05.03.2024

If you have any items you would like to be discussed by LAMU, please contact your employee representatives.

Representatives from the Department

Stian Svelle, Head of Department

Line Altern Halvorsen Valbø, Head of Office

Eva Kathrin Lang, HSE coordinator

(Student coordinator in cases regarding students)

Employee representatives

Simen Reine, Senior safety representatives

Veronica Killi, head engineer

Ola Nilsen, professor


Cheau Ling Poon, Occupational Health Service unit

Harald Grande - Building maintenance Lower Blindern

Student representative

Jon Laugerud

Vara: Per Sivert Seglen

Meeting notes

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