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Risk assessment, SOP and SJA

SOP and SJA stands for Standard Operation Procedure and Safe Job Analysis, respectively.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Safe Job Analysis (SJA) and risk assessment

A SOP is a written step-by-step procedure on how, for example, to use an instrument, to make a standard solution, or to carry out a routine experiment. SOPs should include a Safe Job Analysis (SJA)/risk assessment and waste disposal routines, if relevant. The SJA identifies potential hazards and describes how to minimize the risks. 

  • All scientific and educational use of chemicals, biological agents (bacteria, virus, fungi etc.), physical factors and radiation sources are to be described in an SOP/SJA.
  • SOPs/SJAs are to be approved by the laboratory room responsible person and a copy is to be sent to the HSE coordinator.
  • All SOPs/SJAs should preferably be written in English.


Here you find a template that can be used for a SOP with SJA/risk assessment as well as a stand-alone SOP or a stand-alone SJA/risk assessment.

If you have any questions about risk assessment, SOP and SJA, contact your supervisor or the HSE coordinator. HMSB has made a video on SOP. The video is in Norwegian and texted in English.

Most research sections have SOPs/SJA available on their group webpages. We are working on a solution to share SOPs/SJAs within the whole department, hopefully available in 2024.

Why are SOP, SJA, and risk assessment important?

Why Should We Do Laboratory Chemical Risk Assessments? (

ACS Chemical Health and Safety features "Lessons learned" articles where people share their experience about incidents in the laboratory, analyse the cause and describe preventive actions for the future. Examples include Safety First: A Recent Case of a Dichloromethane Injection Injury | ACS Central Science or Lessons Learned—Fluoride Exposure | ACS Chemical Health & Safety. The "Lessons learned" and other articles demonstrated among other things, why good routines, tidy laboratories, standard operating procedures and risk assessments are important.


Risk assessment

Risk assessment involves identifying dangers and adverse events, analyzing and assessing risk and identifying measures that may curtail the risk

Job safety analysis

Job safety analysis is a detailed review of a work operation to clarify which risk factors must be considered and how they should be managed, for example with training, safety equipment or personal protective equipment