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Chemistry 2019: On Odd Hassel´s shoulders

We celebrate the 50th anniversary of Odd Hassel's Nobel prize in chemistry. 

Programme and registration for the Hassel-seminar 31st of October to 1st of November.

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NB! The programme will be in English.

Abstracts, adresses and biographies



Professor Odd Hassel together with Professor D. H. R. Barton, UK, were in 1969 awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. On that occasion the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, will arrange an international conference in honor of Odd Hassel. The conference will highlight the importance of Hassel´s establishment of the structure of cyclohexane and the field of conformation analysis and its importance for the modern aspect of chemistry, biology, medicine, material sciences and catalysis. 


The Department of Chemistry is jointly with the Research Council of Norway, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Chemical Society arranging this international research conference. We are pleased to invite you. We are looking forward to meet you in some challenging days with presentations and discussions of the outmost news in this exciting scientific field. This conference will replace the yearly Hassel-lectures in 2019. 


Further reading: Kveseth, K. Struct Chem (2019), The story of gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) in Norway


Day 1: October 31st 

12:00 Informal lunch at Realfags Biblioteket         

13:00 Panel debate: Welcome addresses

Chair of the session, Morten Dæhlen; Dean at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Oslo

Opening session: Perspective on our scientific future

Svein Stølen, President at the University of Oslo (UiO):

Welcome, and UiO's plans and strategies

Hans Petter Graver, Preses at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter:

Is the current research policy sufficient to ensure long term conditions for high quality basic research

Anders Hanneborg, Former Executive Director, Division for Science and the Research System, Research Council of Norway (RCN):

A new strategy for RCN – How do the financial instruments look in 2020


Presentations and panel discussion:  

Innovation on the cost of long term basic research or room for both? 

13:20 Prof. Edvard Moser, NTNU by video/ Kay Gastinger,

Head of the Kavli Inst:

Premises for a Nobel prize – How can infrastructure and support prepare the ground for breakthroughs in basic research?

13:35 Prof. Thomas Ebbesen, University of Strasbourg:

The other way around: From Industry to Basic Research

13:50 Associated Prof. Odile Eisenstein, Dep. of Chemistry, UiO: 

Applied Science – Service to Society or new Knowledge? 

14:05 Director Carl Henrik Gørbitz, UiO:Life Science, UiO: 

Strategy for UiO: Life Science – Making Research and Industry Meet

14:20 Panel debate lead by Marina Tofting, The Norwegian

Academy of Science and Letters:

Innovation on the cost of long term basic research or room for both?

15:05 Summing up by Marina Tofting and Morten Dæhlen

15:15 Dr. Philos Kari Kveseth, Dep. of Chemistry, UiO:

Highlights from the Norwegian history of gas electron diffraction - for reflection and inspiration.      


16:00 Opening of the Hassel Exhibition, auditorium 3, Department of Chemistry

Formal opening of the 3rdpart of the exhibition about the Norwegian history about gas electron diffraction (GED). This part in honour of Hassel’s work, visions, findings and the awarded Nobel prize in Chemistry 1969 together with D.H. R. Barton (UK)


Chair of the opening Jo Døhl, Head of Department - Department of Chemistry, UiO

Greetings from:

  • Svein Stølen, President at the University of Oslo
  • Bjørn Pedersen, Professor Emeritus: A closer look at Hassel as a person
  • Ute Krengel, Professor, UiO; Structural chemistry: Past, present and future
  • Ernst Hassel: Greetings from Hassel´s family      

Opening of the Exhibition 

Refreshments and mingling


Day 2: November 1st

Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, 0271 Oslo

Chair morning session; Prof. Einar Uggerud, The new Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo. 

Chair afternoon session, after lunch; Jo Døhl, Former Head at the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo.



08:30    Coffee

09:00 – 09:15   Opening remarks from the Chair Einar Uggerud.

09.15 - 16:30  Scientific presentations:

09:15 Prof. Dr. Gerard Meijer, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max Planck-

 Gesellschaft; Controlling molecular conformational distributions

09:55 Prof. Thomas Ebbesen, Director of the University of

 Strasbourg Inst. for Advanced Studies: 

The alchemy of Vacuum – Hybridizing Light and Matter

10:35 Coffee

10:55 Prof. Pekka Pyykkö, Finland

          Some trends in the Periodic Table

11:35 Prof. Omar Yaghi, University of California, Berkeley, United

 States: The Atom, The Molecule, The Framework

12:15 Prof. Laura Hartmann, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 


           Biomimetic Polymers – Now available with Sequence-control

12:55 Lunch

13:55 Prof. Donald Hilvert, ETH Zürich, Switzerland: 

 Design, Evolution and Application of Protein Cages 

14:35 Prof. Tanja Kortemme, University of California: United States:

Computational design of reprogrammed and new protein functions

15:15 Coffee

15:35 Prof. Richard Henderson, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, UK:

 Electron cryomicroscopy to investigate chemistry of life

16:15 Associated Prof. Odile Eisenstein, Dep. of Chemistry, UiO:

Computational chemistry: An interpret for structural evolution during chemical reaction

16:55 Questions and answers, summing up by the Chair Jo Døhl

17:30 Tapas buffet and mingling



The registration fee of 350 NOK for day 2 includes lunch and tapas buffet at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Day 1 is free, but requires registration.

Registration fee for the 1st of November is here.

Deadline for registration is the 4th of October.

Accommodation; Clarion Collection Hotel Gabelshus, Gabels gate 16, 0272 Oslo,

Phone: +47 23 27 65 00    

A number of rooms to a favorable price have been reserved at Gabelshus, a convenient hotel nearby the Norwegian Academy. 45 days before your arrival, please contact Gabelshus direcly at +47 23 27 65 00 ask for Eva Haugstad for reserving rooms for which dates and for how many persons.


The event committee and partners:

Prof. Trygve Helgaker, Prof. Ute Krengel, Prof. Einar Uggerud, Associate Prof. Mohamed Amedjkouh and Dr. Philos Kari Kveseth are responsible for the event on behalf of the Department of Chemistry.

The Norwegian Society of Chemistry, The Norwegian Research Council, and  Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters are partners of the event.

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The Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo
Published Feb. 6, 2019 11:59 AM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2019 11:32 AM