Norwegian version of this page

From student to a career

Welcome to an informal event about job opportunities. Get inspired or find exciting job opportunities!

Four young adults and chemists.

Meet the chemists and the speakers: K. Weiby, A. Tislevoll, H. Malerød-Fjeld og A. Bunkan. 

We meet in the afternoon after a day with studies. The event starts with short lectures and ends with networking and pizza.

Language: The event is mainly in English. A full presentation of the speakers is on the Norwegian website.  

What is it all about?

The event is an informal meeting place for students to know more about work opportunities. The purpose of the event is to give you as a student an insight into some of the many job opportunities that exist with a degree from the Department of Chemistry.


We are visited by four people, all chemists, all from the Institute of Chemistry and all at work. They talk about their journey until completing their degree at UiO and about the job they have today.

The lecturers are educated and work in: chemistry didactics, biochemistry/structural biology, electrochemistry and theoretical chemistry. 

Register to join the event and also get some pizza

Program and presenters 

  • Kristian Weibye from chemistry didactics. 
    He is a teacher of chemistry and mathematics and currently works at Norges Realfagsgymnas in Sandvika. 
  • Abelone Tislevoll from biochemistry/structural biology. 
    She is a production engineer at Syklotronsenteret (Norsk Medisinsk Syklotronsenter AS).
  • Harald Malerød-Fjeld from electrochemistry. 
    He is currently a senior scientist at CoorsTek Membrane Sciences.
  • Arne J. C. Bunkan from theoretical chemistry. 
    He is a senior scientist at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). His presentation will be in Norwegian.

Welcome to join the event

The event is particularly for those who want to know more about job opportunities, build networks and are students:

  • follows the study programme: Chemistry and Biochemistry or Materials Science for Energy and Nanotechnology, or 
  • is taking a master's degree or has a PhD in chemistry, materials science for energy and nanotechnology or physics, or 
  • is a student at the Department of Life Sciences, or
  • is a student at the lecturer's programme

Register: join the event

Welcome to an unformal and entertaining, social and informative event. 


Communications advisor, Department of Chemistry and the Hylleraas Centre


Kjemisk fagutvalg (KFU) og adminstrasjonen ved Kjemisk institutt
Published Apr. 26, 2023 3:15 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2023 3:06 PM