Services and prices

Protein expression and purification

We have facilities for large-scale expression of recombinant proteins and access to several ÄKTA FPLC systems for protein purification.

Crystal screening and plate imaging

Our facilities have two robots for high-throughput crystal screening (Oryx 4 and Mosquito) and three crystallization hotels/imagers (Formulatrix RI-182, with capacity for 182 plates each) placed in temperature-controlled environments. Results can be accessed remotely in real-time though the RockMaker Web interface.

X-ray data collection

X-ray Diffractometer, Kjemisk Institutt UiO
X-ray Diffractometer, Krengel Lab, Kjemisk Institutt UiO

In-house X-ray diffraction data collection is possible with our Rigaku MacroMax 007 HF single crystal X-ray diffractometer.  We also have regular access to leading international synchrotron radiation facilities such as ESRF (Grenoble), MAX IV (Lund) and DESY (Hamburg), coordinated by UiO for PX-Norway.

In addition, we offer services regarding protein crystal spectroscopy, processing of diffraction data and modeling upon request. 


First HDX-MS installed in Norway, Sekulic lab, NCMM
First HDX-MS installed in Norway, Sekulic lab, NCMM

State-of-the-art hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometer (HDX-MS, Waters-Synapt G2 Si): Mapping protein folding, conformational changes, protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions.

Biophysical characterization of proteins and protein interactions

A wide range of instruments for characterization of proteins is available at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Oslo University Hospital. Our equipment includes:

  • Microscale thermophoresis instruments (Monolith NT.LabelFree system and NT.115 system for labelled proteins): Quantitative analysis of protein-ligand interactions. 
  • Isothermal titration calorimeter (MicroCal iTC-200 micro-ITC): Quantitative analysis of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions.
  • Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) instrument (GE Biocore S200): Measurement of binding kinetics of protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions.
  • Nano-differential scanning fluorimetry (nanoDSF) instrument (Nanotemper, Prometheus NT.48): Determination of thermal and chemical stability of proteins.
  • Dynamic light scattering (DLS) system (Malvern Zetasizer Nano-ZS): Measurement of particle size and dispersity of protein solutions.
  • SEC-MALS (Malvern Viskotek) : Determination of molecular weight of proteins during size-exclusion chromatography. 
SAXS, Kjemisk Institutt UiO
SAXS instrument, Lund group, KI

In-house SAXS

Small-angle X-ray scattering data can be collected with our Bruker Nanostar SAXS optimized  for weak solution scattering, which is part of the RECX instrument park at the Department of Chemistry.

Neutron data collection

ILL, Grenoble. Photo: Henrik Vinther Sørensen

PX-Oslo has regular access to world-leading neutron scattering facilities such as the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, Grenoble) and the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (UK).


We have three different price systems:  

  • Leiested: Price to access multiple instruments in our facilities, as yearly abonnement or for a full lab space
  • Individual prices, Internal: Prices for using individual equipment. Applies to academic users affiliated to the University of Oslo and the Oslo University hospital (OUS)
  • Individual prices,  External: Use of individual equipment by external users, including industry
  • A first consultation is free of charge.

We are open and happy to collaborate! Please contact us for special prices.

Leiested prices

Prices listed have been updated on 15/7/2024 (awaiting small additional adjustments)

  Abo, Light Abo, Medium Abo, Heavy Full costs per lab space Location*




280 KNOK


  33.5 KNOK     SAXS-KI (RECX)
non-NFR (external projects)




340 KNOK


*KI (Department of Chemistry, UiO),  NCMM (Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway), IBV (Department of Biosciences, UiO)

Individual prices**

Service Price (Internal) Price (External) Location
Crystallization screens 350 NOK/screen 1000 NOK/screen KI, OUS
Instrument time, X-ray diffractometer or protein crystal spectroscopy 250 NOK/hour 600 NOK/hour KI, IBV
Instrument time, microscope and liquid nitrogen 50 NOK/hour 150 NOK/hour KI
Instrument time, cryo-stream 150 NOK/hour 450 NOK/hour KI
Technical support and training of users for instruments for ITC, MST, SPR/Biacore, MALS, DLS, FPLC, TFA/DSF, etc. 500 NOK/hour 1000 NOK/hour OUS, KI
Unsupervised use of instruments for ITC, MST, SPR/Biacore, MALS, DLS, FPLC, TFA/DSF, etc. 200 NOK/hour 500 NOK/hour OUS, KI

Sample handling, characterization, synchrotron data collection, data processing, structural modeling, structural analysis and preparation of material for publication**

500 NOK/hour 1500 NOK/hour KI, OUS
HDX-MS**, basic project (comparison of 2 protein states) 35 KNOK 70 KNOK NCMM
HDX-MS, additional samples 15 KNOK 30 KNOK NCMM
Consultation 500 NOK/hour 1500 NOK/hour KI, OUS, IBV, NCMM

**For HDX-MS services, please contact Nikolina Sekulic. These services include:

  • Optimization of sample digestion and generation of “peptide library”
  • Preparation of deuterated samples (5-6 time points for each sample)
  • Mass-spec data collection for each time point in triplicate (90-110 samples in total)
  • Manual analysis of each collected mass-spectra
  • Data interpretation and figure generation

Protein crystal spectroscopy services are offered by Hersleth group. For more details, contact Hans-Petter Hersleth


Published May 13, 2020 8:52 PM - Last modified July 16, 2024 9:35 AM