Travel support

PX-Oslo members and core facility users can apply for financial support to collect data at international facilities and attend structural biology courses.

BioMAX. X-ray macromolecular crystallography beamline of the MAXIV laboratory, Lund. Photo: Dipankar Manna

Data Collection Trips

Data collection trips to synchrotrons (BAGs) and other international facilities can be supported with 500 NOK per trip. To apply, please fill in the travel support form

During the corona pandemic, we also refund the shipment of dewars instead of travel support upon request.

Structural Biology Courses

Courses relevant to structural biology techniques can be sponsored with up to 5000 NOK each. Applicants must complete the travel support form

Please submit the completed forms to core facility ambassador Mateu Montserrat Canals.

Published May 13, 2020 9:27 PM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2023 11:56 AM