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Join our group!

Bachelor / Master

As a student at our section you will be involved in all steps of a measurements campaign spanning several weeks/months. This includes setup of the instrument, calibration and other maintenance during the measurements, and analysis of the resulting data. To have sufficient time to properly learn how the instrument works, and how to perform the data analysis, it is recommended to spend no less than 20 credits for a bachelor thesis -or the full 60 credits for a masters thesis.

The analysis involves handling of large amounts of data. This can be done in Excel with advanced proficiency, however, it is highly recommended to learn how to this through a programming language (ex. R, Python, MatLab..). For Master students this experience can be covered by applying to courses like GEO4300 or STK4900 during the first two semesters of a project.
See Courses and study programme for more information on recommended courses.

Contact Professor Armin Wisthaler for more information on which projects are available for your study period. If you have any thoughts or ideas yourself, this is of course highly appreciated as well!

PhD / Postdoc

No positions are available at the moment.

Published May 7, 2020 4:07 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2021 10:00 PM