Bi-Annual Symposium on Environmental Analysis 2013

Our traditional Bi-annual workshop on Environmental Analysis at Sørnesset, Atnasjøen, Rondane.

The workshop will be an informal get-together with the main goal to gather researchers and students working on pollution related research. All particepants are asked to make presentations stimulating for discussion and feedback.

Registration for workshop is now open:

Deadline for registration is 12th of August 2013. Please be aware that there is a limited number of participants that can join due to limited accommodation. So register as soon as possible in order to secure a spot.



Submission of title:

All participants are required to send in the title of their presentation with a short description of the topic. This can be sent by email to Christian W. Mohr (

Deadline for title submission is 9th of September 2013


Program Schedule:



Christian Wilhelm Mohr and Rolf David Vogt
Published Feb. 22, 2016 12:13 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2016 2:44 PM