Take a Master in Soil and water chemistry!

Applied, Interdisciplinary and International Research

Everything is chemistry and chemistry is a common denominator in all natural sciences. Chemistry plays a central role in all interdisciplinary research on what happens to contaminants in the environment and what effects they have on nature.

We study the complex biogeochemical equilibria taking place within and between air, water, soil and biota, how humans affect this system and how we can best reduce the negative effects of anthropogenic influences. In order to understand the mechanisms controlling biogeochemical cycles in the environment we must determine the form in which the substances are in. There is therefore a need for chemical fractionation and speciation analysis which sets great demands on the separation and detection techniques.

Image may contain: Plant community, Soil, Shrubland, Grass, Tree.

Biogeochemistry is the study of complex equilibria taking place within and between air, water, soil and biota, how humans affect this system and how we can best reduce the negative effects of anthropogenic pressures.

Depth and width

In order to understand the interaction between chemistry and environment, it is necessary to know about the chemical reactions that are important in governing the biogeochemical processes. In order to gain this understanding, we need chemical data. In the Section of Environmental sciences Environmental chemists cooperate closely with Analytical Chemists to solve analytical problems in specific environmental issues. Our research is done in close collaboration with researchers from other diciplines within nature sciences such as biology, geology, limnology, hydrology, physics, and environmental economics. We also employ mathematical statistics and modeling.

The understanding of how the environment works is a prerequisite for a knowledge-based management of our natural resources. Therefore, we work closely with social scientists to ensure that the knowledge we produce is policy relevant. Cooperation with social sciences is also fruitful to understand better the relationship between land use and the activities that take place in a study site and the chemical measurements we make. 

International involvement

How developing countries, especially China, meet their environmental challenges will have a major impact on our environment due to increased internationalization and our global environmental problems.

Much of our research is conducted in developing countries in the Far East, Central Asia and Africa.


Biogeochemistry is a scientific discipline in which environmental issues are in focus. We use the results of analytical chemistry as a tool to study the natural chemical processes in the environment and the effects of pollution on nature.
An environmental chemist works interdisciplinary, exploring the intersection to other disciplines. Our activities range from analytical chemistry, laboratory experiments and field work, through the use of chemometrics to the theoretical simulation models.

Examples of research areas are: 

  1.   Integrated approach to environmental problems
    • Eutrophication
    • Effect of climate change on water quality
    • Heavy metals
  2. Environmental problems in emerging economies
    • Mercury and acid rain in China
    • Heavy Metals in Central Asia, Poland and Africa
    • Water management in Africa
  3. Dissolved Natural Organic Matter (DNOM)
    • Variation in time and space in
      abundance and properties
  4. Effect of climate change on ecosystem services
  5. Mobilization and transport mechanisms of pollutants in the environment

Education with a future

The modern society needs knowledge-based environmental risk assessments, and sustainable solution to all environmental problems. This requires a thorough knowledge of environmental chemistry and chemical analysis in order to identify the best solutions and communicate them to the community.

Job Opportunities

Master in Environmental Analysis gives you the opportunity to boast a broad experience in chemical analysis and expertise in the interpretation of data.

Our competance is especially suitable for:

  • Research
  • Management
  • Analytical laboratories
  • Industry
  • Environmental consulting

There are generally good job opportunities for our graduates because of shortage of scientists with relevant education. Our alumni now hold prominent positions in a wide range of jobs, e.g.:

  • Universities, Colleges and Secondary schools: UiO, NMBU, USN, UiA, NTNU
  • Management: KLIF, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Norwegian Environment Agency, Statistics Norway, Food Control Authority, Waterworks, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, STAMI, Met.no, NVE, FFI, Kripos, NCIS, The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority
  • NGOs: Nordic Ecolabelling
  • Consulting: Sweco, Cowi
  • Industry: Shell, NOHA


Master with focus on Soil and water chemistry: Professor Rolf D. Vogt

Master with focus on NMR: Professor Eddy W. Hansen


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Published Feb. 22, 2016 12:13 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2020 2:56 PM